Pope John XXIII Assembly #1536

Color Corps

Color Corps Information

All Color Corps assignments are handled by our Commander, SK Dennis Lipski, PFN. He can be contacted at dmlipski@gmail.com or at 248.935.2197 for more information on having the Color Corps at an event, for information on one of the above assignments or if you are interested in joining the Color Corps.

If you are interested in having the Color Corps at an event, please click here or on the picture of the form to download the form that must be filled out prior to the event. Completed forms should be sent to District Marshal George Roumaya at george3345@comcast.net with Dennis as a cc.

Note that Pope John XXIII Assembly 1536 is primary assembly for most events in Plymouth, Canton and Livonia as well as some areas in surrounding communities. Further, we are primarly responsible for the following churches and councils:

St. Aidan, Livonia
St. Kenneth, Plymouth
Our Lady of Good Counsel, Plymouth
St. John Neumann, Canton
St. Mary, Cause of Our Joy, Westland
St. Colette, Livonia
Resurrection, Canton
St. Thomas a'Becket, Canton
St. Michael the Archangel, Livonia
St. Thomas the Apostle, Garden City
St. Edith, Livonia
2690 - George F Monaghan, Livonia
3292 - Fr Victor J Renaud, Plymouth
3959 - Fr Daniel A Lord, Livonia
4513 - Immaculate Conception, Garden City
5492 - Dr Thomas A Dooley, Livonia
8284 - Msgr Clement H Kern, Canton
15204 - Monsignor Russell E. Kohler, Westland
13645 - St Edith, Livonia
16169 - St John Neumann, Canton

If you have any questions about if you should be contacting our assembly or some other assembly, please contact Dennis at the above email or phone.

Joining the Color Corps

The Color Corps is open to all members of the Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree. Participation is voluntary, although a uniform will need to be purchased. The cost of the uniform (sport coat, slacks, tie and beret with Fourth Degree badge) is $449.00 (current as of May 4, 2021) and is available from https://www.kofcuniform.com. Black shoes, black socks, and a white button down dress shirt with a plain collar (no button down or wing-tip collars) will also be needed.

Additionally, a service baldric, sword and white gloves will need to be obtained. While these can be bought new from The English Company at https://www.kofcsupplies.com, used swords and baldrics can be found elsewhere, including from our commander SK Dennis Lipski, PFN. Dennis has available a number of items, including swords and gloves. He also has some tux items and a lot of KofC patches. If you are interested in borrowing or obtaining an item from Dennis, he can be contacted at dmlipski@gmail.com.

Assembly Leadership
Faithful Navigator: Ed Hurst, Jr.
Faithful Captain: Richard Fullmerhouser
Faithful Pilot: John Russell
Faithful Comptroller: Greg Rapelje
Faithful Scribe: Eric Pohl
Faithful Purser: Joe Bradley
Faithful Admiral: Christopher Scanlan, FDD, PFN

Webmaster: Gene Suchyta
Contact Us
Email: Click on any name listed under Assembly Leadership
Knights of Columbus Assembly #1536
c/o Fr. Victor J. Renaud Council #3292
150 Fair St
Plymouth, MI 48170-1929

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Web page visits: 946

Copyright © Knights of Columbus Assembly 1536 and Eugene Suchyta - All Rights Reserved